Fun Facts About Roses

Fun Facts About Roses

Fun Facts About Roses

Everyone knows that roses are pretty and sweet flowers but they are much more than that. The evolution, the physical and anatomical characteristics, and the cultural functions have brought countless elements of interest to the study of these animals.

 The Rich History of Roses

Fun Facts About Roses
Roses have been blooming on this planet for more than million of years. These species are estimated to be of between 35 million years and there is evidence of fossils in areas that used to beaevironments with vegetation. Roses too have had different functions through out the ages as ornaments in gardens and as symbolic plants used in religious and royal activities. Roses are symbols adopted from the Egyptian culture where they had dedicated the roses to the goddess of matter, Isis, while the Greeks associated it to Aphrodite the goddess of beauty. 
 As fascinating as Roman societal relations are/with roses as with many other elements, the latter were used more for banquets and celebrations. They also believed that roses can cure pain and bring to the mind state of calmness, they where giving roses both medicinal and magical attributes. This cultural history alone tells a lot about how much roses have become part of our everyday culture. 

 Roses: It’s a cliché but true that beauty is only skin deep. 

Fun Facts About Roses
 Although the aesthetical value of roses can not be questioned, there is one more important aspect that should be highly appreciated – their functionality. Traditionally, roses specifically rose petals have been utilised in remedies that are designed for curing skin rashes and indigestion. They have been known to contain vitamins and specifically vitamin C and also contain some form of antioxidants which helps in the general body health. 
 Another area where roses have also been incorporated into the culinary practices include use of the petals in cooking as well as in making drinks. Rose water and rose syrup are used in the preparation of confectionery products, tea, biscuits as well as cocktails to enhance the food experience to the dazzle of the diners. It also gives another dimension to roses as being aesthetic and functional which gives roses a layer of mystery. 

 The Language of Roses

Fun Facts About Roses

In its literal meaning roses are not just flowers, but they are the epitome of emotion and message of sentiment. Floriography, the language of flowers, continues by providing different meanings to different colors of roses. A red rose is symbolic to love, passion, and sexual desire, and thus, remains a classic Valentine’s Day favorite to this date. Whereas, white rose represents chaste, being used in weddings or funerals. A yellow rose stands for gladness and companionship and on the other hand, pink rose symbolizes thankfulness and respect. 


 All this is expressed in symbolic language that has evolved in and is manifested in art, poetry, and folklore. It is impossible to list all the works, where roses are mentioned because their image is closely connected with love, loss, beauty. From the Shakespeare’s sonnets to most modern novels, rose is still a symbol that touches the heart of all the readers. 


 Some fun facts about Roses for children |: 

Fun Facts About Roses


 This is a wonderful way through which children can be taken through the world of roses and this will motivate then to have curiosity in the environment. Involving young minds, there are many fun facts that are associated with roses that can be given in the course of the activities. 


 Roses as Plants are of Different Colors 


 Another important area that is interesting in roses is the presence of a large number of colours. The conventional red rose and the traditional white rose are joined by many others such as purple, blue and orange roses that can transform any garden or bouquet. Every single color has its own functionality and you can discuss that starting with kids when you meet them. 


 Suggesting to children to describe what emotions connect with each of the colors, the show will help them develop the view of emotions and relations. For instance, by pointing out to them that yellow roses represent friendship then they are able to recognize the importance of friendship in their lives. 


 The Rose's Unique Smell

Fun Facts About Roses

Roses are notable for beautiful fragrance and this factor is considered as a major advantage in case of many individuals. It emanates from oils secrets produced by petals of the flower. There are long-stemmed roses, short-stemmed roses and roses with different colored petals and sometimes some roses smell more than others and this may make children interested. 

 When teaching kids about flowers one can explain them how roses, for instance, can use their smell to attract insects such as bees and butterflies. The achievement of this knowledge helps the students to develop understanding of the existence of diverse species and need to conserve them.

 Growing Roses: 

This is a fun activity that should be carried out by everyone to ensure they be able to enjoy themselves to the fullest. 

 Rose planting and nurturance can be an interesting endeavor for kids that are willing to help. There are many things that children can learn from, such as gardening, patience and responsibilities if well directed. 


 Here you can engage them into planting so that they know what concerns the soil, the amount of sunlight required and the water required for planting. Enjoyment of the process will be accompanied by satisfaction solely from the fact that they are growing something live, developing in the middle of the flowers and petals appreciation of the result of one’s work. 


 Part 2. Cool and Interesting Facts About Rose Quartz 


Fun Facts About Roses

 Rose quartz also called the “love stone” is a stunning pink crystal that is often used precisely for its gentle energy and the power to calm the spirit. This particular mineral has received a lot of attention by many people because of the beauty it has and the feelings associated with it. 


 Rose Quartz and the prospect of Healing 


 Some people are of the opinion that rose quartz is a kind of crystal that holds certain therapeutic characteristics linked to love, compassion as well as emotional well-being. As for its purpose, it is used in conversations to support the sentiment of self-love and acceptances, and that is why people turn to it during the difficult time. 


 Rose quartz is used at homes and in accessories like jewelries just to capture the energy of this stone. On the other hand, rose quartz can have the healing property of making a room more calm and cheerful thus easing stress levels. 


 Rose Quartz in History

In general, rose quartz has been in use for centuries, thousands of years in different culture starting from Egypt and Greece. The people of Egypt used the stone for its supposed rejuvenating or fending off the effect of aging, which the ancient Egyptians’ applied to their skin through a face wash. 


 According to the Greek mythology rose quartz originated from the spilt blood of Aphrodite and Adonis and therefore was considered a gemstone that represented love. The fact that amethyst has such interesting history adds to its appeal which is why this gorgeous gemstone is loved by some collectors and fans of crystals. 


 It wanted to explore the idea of crafting and creativity and make use of rose quartz as its symbol. 


 That is how rose quartz can be used as a material for creating various products that will bring inspiration into people’s lives. Kids and grown-ups can equally participate in making ornaments, home accessories or other pieces of art with rose quartz crystals. 


 It is possible to achieve personal identity in the artistic-doors, gifts made by hands, and share emotions and preferences in terms of the beauty of stone for symbolizing love. These crafts can be used in gift giving and associated with intentions considered positive such as affection and thoughtfulness. 


 Ten Interesting Things You Probably Did Not Know About Rose Wine 


Fun Facts About Roses

 Delicious and non-gassy rose wine has become everyone’s favorite in recent years. Its pink color and the different taste makes it suitable for any occasion including parties and wedding among others. 


 The Progress of Producing Rose Wine 


 It is produced from red grape varieties though it has a different processing method that makes it pink in color. Whereas for the red wines, skin of the grapes is fermented with the juice for a short period so as to release the color and flavors but excluding the tannin content. 


 Depending on the duration and temperatures used this method yields a very light fruity wine, ideal for cool climate or light foods. Knowledge about the process of making wine will make one appreciate the effort that has been put in preparing the wine and distinguish between different types of rose wines depending on their taste. 


 A perfect match between Rose Wine and Food

An added advantage that comes with rose wine is the fact that it goes well with food. It is highly acidic and fruited that makes it suitable to complement various dishes including salads, seafood, griled vegetables, and light pasta. 


 It can therefore be regarded as a fun way of getting to explore new tastes when it comes to meal taking. Friends and family who could get a chance to taste the many rose wines that are in existence and simultaneously share meals in a small dinner party are moments worth remembering. 


 Hautevast’s Cultural and Socialy Importance of Ross Wine 


 In a way or the other, rose wine has always played an important role in culinary cultures of the world. However, rose wines in Mediterranean countries, are usually consumed during lunchings and warm evening which gives a relaxed feel about it. 


 Therefore, when going deeper into the aspects of the roses wines, culture can be linked to aspects such as parties among other occasions. It is also possible to stress some connections which can add to the enhanced pleasure and more profound appreciation of this wonderful drink. 


 15 little known fun facts about Rose, a Blackpink member. 


Fun Facts About Roses

 Blackpink is the leading South Korea’s K-pop girl band that has influenced the entire world, and among the band members is Rosé. She is undoubtedly talented, beautiful and flies like a bird on stage with her own style which has taken her a long way in sharing the world market. 


 Rosé’s Musical Journey 


 Rosé’s dream of becoming an amazing singer began in Australia and she had the opportunity to practice singing there. After she successfully audition for YG Entertainment she then relocated to South Korea to train for sometime before joining Blackpink in 2016. 


 She has the unique voice as well as ability to sing any song in the emotional way that has made her one of the most recognizable singers in the industry. To understand her passion cute development can help fans of the star all around the world to notice her hard work and dedication she has been putting into her career. 


 Fashion Icon Status 


 Aside from this, her singing ability, her ability to dance, and even her striking appearance which makes her the fashion icon of BLACKPINK. She is frequently depicted on the covers of popular fashion magazines and goes out to glittering ceremonies wearing today’s ultra-modern clothing.

Rosa Parks’ life is honored through various functions that include schools and establish, library and community centres that have been named after her. All these institutions are a testimony of her actions and struggles as well as the continuity of the struggles for justice and equity. 

 Through the educational programs and special events in honor of her achievements, people and society will be able to pay tribute to her and inspire other like-minded people to work for the better future for everybody. 

 fun facts about Rose O’Neal Greenhow. 


Fun Facts About Roses

 Rose O’Neal Greenhow was famous during theCivil War in America and she was among the secret agents of the Confederate side. Through these intelligence activities, her contribution exerted a tone on the strategies of the military during the war. 

 A Life of Intrigue 

 Rose O’Neal Greenhow was born in 1813 and leading an exciting life up to her death, and her life has become the subject of many stories. Due to her position as an important figure in the higher circles of Washington she was in a position to gain important information for the Confederate States. 

 Her behaviour during espionage shows the issues of loyalty and ethically questionable actions during a war. Exploring her case indicate that people engaged in political struggles are complex and understanding them makes history less black and white. 

 From the Old boy’s network to modern espionage: the high stakes of intelligence gathering 

 After all, espionage is a risky business in which Greenhow was engaging and being caught could have a very high price. However, she kept on standing for what she wanted to do and this was very risky but she was very brave and determined. 

 In 1861 she was arrested and this event turned a new chapter in her life and was imprisoned. Looking at the stakes involved in spying at war, one is able to learn about the extents people are willing to go.  

 Greenhow’s Enduring Legacy 

 Controversy still surrounds Rose O’Neal Greenhow and her contribution to history and that of woman spies in general. Her Figure in the Confederate war brings some relevant issues regarding war and women especially when it comes to spying. 

 Through examining her life, one will be able to decipher the codes of conduct of the society and women in particular in her era as well as appreciate the efforts of women in the society. 

 Some funny facts about Rose Fortun;

Fun Facts About Roses

It is also interesting to add that Rose Fortune was an exceptional woman for her time, well-organized businesswoman and a strong-willed lady. She was an ex enslaved woman and therefore managed to build herself a prosperous future in the territory comprising present-day New Brunswick, Canada. 

 A Trailblazer in Business 

 Rose Fortune was a slave who later on became a car driver and later on developed into being a business woman by even opening a laundry business. It changed many people’s perception of women and the talents of female entrepreneurs – especially women of color

 Vivid material success story of Fortune demonstrates that it is possible to rise from the bottom and achieve success, despite the barriers that have to be faced. She can help people who would like to succeed in their fields or follow their dreams regardless of their reality. 

 Community Advocate 

 Apart from being Albertan businesswoman, Rose Fortune was hardworking and actively involved in the betterment of the society. Some of the services given by the super illustrative woman were helping newly arrived African Americans to find their ways in their new lives. 

 His passion to raise others up shows possibility of a community and this is a clear show of mentorship. This is a good reason to analyze Fortune’s work: rotating attention to these kinds of work can motivate other contemporary advocacies that aim to assist oppressed groups. 

 Remembering Rose Fortune’s Impact 

 Currently, several efforts have been put in place to honor Rose Fortune with organizational programs in place to remember and appreciate her efforts. She is commemorated through such things as events, scholarships, and educational programs that highlight the issues that faced women of colour in the past and the present. 

 Recalling her legacy, it can also be possible to further a fight for women’s rights and people who cannot be heard, at least making sure that nobody forgets people like her. 

 Fun Facts That You Didn’t Know About Rose Lavelle 

Fun Facts About Roses

 Rose Lavelle is one of the best American soccer players and naturally gifted athlete who never shows any signs of quitting during soccer games. The current report focuses on her achievements in relation to women soccer and the U. S. Women’s National Team. 

 A Rising Star

Lavelle started playing soccer from childhood, and she was so talented and promising young girl. She took up another contract at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and she continued to perform excellently thus being rewarded. 

 She finally achieved her breakthrough to international popularity on the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, in which she help propel the team to victory. Her story analysis gives encouragement to any young hopeful who wants to follow his or her dream as an athlete. 

 Representing Women in Sports 

 Rose Lavelle is one of the best modern female athletes who played an important role in popularizing women’s football. Because of her, many girls nowadays get to be inspired to follow their dreams of being athletes or simply engaging in sports. 

 Exposing and discussing Lavelle’s accomplishments to the sport can serve to distort the stereotypical gender roles and to promote the female participation in athletics. Sharing such achievements is also significant when it comes to highlighting the role of women in the society and John Finos’s fight for their rights in the sports industry. 

 Advocating for Change 

 Apart from her sports activities, Lavelle provides her take on relevant social causes, about which she cares – for example, equal rights of women in sports. I want to also emphasize that she is a great advocate for further endeavors toward the improvement of women’s rights, especially in sports, where feminine athletes are still not paid equally to their male counterparts. 

 In this way, fans’ support of her initiatives will help the greater cause of fighting for women in sports and helping them get their due in terms of recognition and opportunities. 

 Fun facts about rose flower 

Fun Facts About Roses

 The rose flower has for a long time been admired due to its beauty and sweet smell. Everyone is interested in it seeing in it as a representation of love, beauty and passion. 

 Chapter 3 The Workbook: An Anatomy of a Rose 

 A rose is a complex structure made of different components, which are and coordinate themselves within the whole picture of the flower. The petals are thin and brightly colored, I believe, to attract pollinators, whereas, the sepals encase the developing flower bud. 

 The mechanical structure of a particular object, such as rose, might be helpful to increase the quality and amount of individuals’ appreciation for the item. Such knowledge enables those gardening and interested in roses to ensure the roses are well cared for, grow healthy and produce good blooms. 

 Different Types of Roses

The roses are distributed into groups and hybrids and every group has diverse features and traits. Hybrid tea rose, floribunda, climbing rose, mini rose; all these types are available in the market and so there is no dearth of roses for gardens or functions. 

 Such an extension of the rose variety can spark creativity in putting up landscaping and designs of floral products. Cn =",each,", and "story", they bring an extra dimension which makes the process of enjoying roses in different circumstances much more rewarding. 

 In today’s world, people often associate roses with love and beauty, but roses are also indicated with other concepts and meanings in Culture and Tradition. 

 Roses have been embraced by different cultures throughout history with the flowers having a special meaning. They have been depicted in Art works, in classics, and even in religious settings with a meaning that covered love, beauty and even mystery. 

 Looking at the use of roses in various cultures makes one to appreciate their use across all generations. That is the reason why roses are so beautiful in paintings, in poems, or when people celebrate something, it appeals to the ears, and to the heart of the people of all ages. 

 Hollywood specialists’ fun facts about Rose Gold 

Fun Facts About Roses

 Rose gold, a newly discovered alloy in the universe of metals has become quite popular in the society, in the areas of jewelry and design due to its ability to produce that natural look and sophisticated blaze. This gorgeous material is made of gold with a touch of copper that gives a peachy hue that is eye-catching. 

 This paper delves into the Versatile Charm of Rose Gold. 

 They also describe that Rose gold is Romantic and Vintage of course it is often used in engagement rings and also wedding bands. This particular color that the hotels possess issues out a certain kind of touch of class or rather warmth that many are able to go for. 

 The fashion of rose gold in watches and other gadgets demonstrate how it has become the new modern and classy trend. By knowing the reasons to this popularity, people can be motivated to use this classy colour in their wardrobes or accessories. 

 Historical Significance 

 Rose gold, on the other hand, has a rather more humble background and was discovered in the nineteenth century and initially referred to as “Russian gold; The rose gold material was used and admired in the Victorian period because of its ornate engravings as well as elaborate work. 

 It is crucial to know more about the history of rose gold in order to value its unique appearance even more. This knowledge can also be used when purchasing with an aim of making the consumer appreciate the need to get items that have been done professionally. 

 Taking Care Of Your Rose Gold Product

Rose gold is a quite fragile kind of metal, so it is significant to pay the proper attention to the jewelry of this type. Periodic washing with mild soap and water and a strict no-no to abrasive cleaners will keep it shiny and sparkling. 

 In doing so, they will fully inform the consumers about how to properly take care of rose gold items they would surely hold dear for many, many years. This focus on upkeep makes owning as well as wearing rose gold jewelry a more enjoyable experience. 

 Festive Facts Related To Rose Greenhow 

Fun Facts About Roses

 Rose Greenhow exists side by side with her namesake and the fact that she deserves more attention is quite obvious. Throughout her life Mary was a seamstress and a businesswoman and supported several charitable organizations and social initiatives of her time. 

 A Passion for Sewing 

 Rose Greenhow was a fashionable woman who paid much attention to sewing, and thus, made exquisite dresses and fabrics. It thus came as no surprise that she got the recognition she deserved to enable her to start the business. 

 Such passion to sewing was a sign of innovation and creativity that women extended to their societies in past societies. Such talents can inspire today’s crafters or artisans who want to pursue their hobbies or career in the said field. 

 Philanthropic Endeavors 

 Aside from the quilting work that she did, Rose Greenhow was known to contribute a lot of her time and effort to helping poorer citizens in her community through providing for local charities. It is correspondent with the traditions of help and community, which characterizes the person, her actions and her posts. 

 By discussing the relevance of philanthropy, it may motivate people to search for the means through which they can contribute a positive effect in their own society. 

 Leaving a Lasting Legacy 

 This paper finds that Rose Greenhow’s contributions to her community and craft remain as a legacy of her talents and personality. This is one of the ways through which the families benefit from funeral rites, because when people remember the strength of such women as Margaret, it will help women all over the world to appreciate and embrace the strength that is in them.

 The narrated themes of her story act as motivation to people who should follow their dreams and achieve their goals to make beneficial societies and assure that their legacies would always be continued.

 The Fun Facts About Rose Marie McCoy

Fun Facts About Roses

Rose Marie McCoy was intellectual music artist, composer in singing and contributed to the society in a large aspect through her talent in rhythm and blues. Its evident that she has talent and creativity in the kind of popular music she has been producing. 

 Performing Songwriter – A Creative Force 

 She was also involved in writing and co-writing most of the songs throughout her career as a musician for other artists and producers. Thanks to her skills as a songs writer she had produced good songs that are still very popular to this date. 

 An analysis of her style of writing and the ideas she derived from can help to identify the factors that define successful song writing. To bring this girl to notice and celebrate her achievements helps not only amplify female voices in music history but also reap the benefits musically. 

 Overcoming Challenges 

 Unfortunately like any other woman in shackled by poor leadership and been challenged in the male-dominated music industry but she had to stick on and make her own place. She shows how committed one has to be and how much perseverance one needs to apply as a singer or composer for a song. 

 Sharing her story serves to show that passion and dedication help one to succeed in whatever they want to accomplish even in the face of challenges. 

 Honoring Her Legacy 

 In today’s society, Rose Marie McCoy is remembered through the numerous songs she produced which passed on his knowledge to aspiring artists and song writers. This helps in making arrangements that will increase the probability of her being awarded in the near future to help in creating a representation that young black females can achieve their dreams of becoming musicians or producers in the music production company. 

 This will mean paying tribute to her memory for increasing the spectrum of the existing and the future art practitioners while guaranteeing that their talent will not go unnoticed and unrecognized. 

 Their names are misleading: Contrary to the name Rose Hair, the specific is actually pink A favorite food of this spider is a butterfly The tarantula hair is indeed used at times in painting, though it is sliced Keeping these things in mind, next we will discuss about the behavior of rose hair tarantulas. 

  Tarantula rose hair is one of the most beautiful spiders which are regarded to be non-dangerous since they do not pose a danger to humans. These are very interesting spiders and are commonly sought for as pets, especially by spider lovers. 

 First, let’s get to know more about Rose Hair Tarantulas. 

Fun Facts About Roses

 Having reddish-brown color and soft body hairs, rose hair tarantulas have physiologic features many people find fascinating. This is due to their beauty and uniques appearance which has placed them among the most desirable species everyone would love to have as a pet. 

 Studying these spiders, it is possible to raise people’s attitudes to these creatures and focus on their positive aspects in ecosystems because very often they are viewed as dangerous animals. Regarding education, people should be more educated to have better concerns and understanding portion and respect all creatures. 

 Pets with Unique Requirements

The care of rose hair tarantulas needs to be done understanding certain aspects about these spiders. Habitat structure, feeding, and the way those animals are treated really matters in their overall health. 

 Informing people who may become potential owners of these animals, the rules of caring for them and proper maintenance of these creatures, keeps these animals alive in captivity. Responsible care may reduce people’s anxieties regarding the exotic and may encourage sound choices of pet care. 

 The Contribution of Rose Hair Tarantulas in Ecology 

 Hence Betta fish is significant in the natural setting since it aids in pest control to help awake balanced ecosystem by the Rose hair tarantulas. Through feeding on insects, they are able to control their populations and hence prevent spreading of diseases. 

 Knowledge about them will help to improve their conservation as well as pay attention to the issue of the preservation of species. Discussion of the subject of wildlife preservation elicits responsibility to nature, of which should be encouraged. 

 Some of the interesting facts about Rose of Lima include: 

Fun Facts About Roses

 Rose of Lima is a Peruvian saint and dedicated to the indigenous Peruvians in Latin America and is famous of her faith. Her life is a perfect example of humility and the service to other people. 

 Samuel T. Berg, A Man Of Faith and Service 

 This was achieved through living her entire life for the service of others especially the needy, she was born in 1586. She got professed into the third order of st. Dominic wherein she vowed to give devotion through prayers, penance and charity. 

 Because of her faith and her selfless deeds, the themes of compassion and kindness are presented so that people can start wanting to know how they can help others who are suffering out there. Rose’s life teaches people about the changes faith and service could bring into their lives.

 Canonization and Recognition

Rose of Lima was canonized by Pope Clement X in 1671, she is the first born in the American continent to be declared saint. Its message was centered on her sanctity focusing on her lifestyle and how she influenced the society and the rest of the world. 

 By celebrating her sainthood we also get to remember that sainthood is recognition of people who should be emulated in society due to their godly nature. It can encourage people to become person of faith and aim at performing good deeds in their lifetime. 

 Commemoration and Legacy 

 In the present time Rose of Lima is commemorated in various ways such as by the celebration of her feast day which is on the 23rd of August. People get together to celebrate her presence and trying to learn from what she preach which is love and care in society. 

 She continues to leave a legacy of hope all those who ever thought that their lives can be changed though the faith and through service. Thus, by celebrating her life, people can ensure that inter-personal relations reflect generosity and compassion in other people’s lives. 

 Fascinating Information About Rose Breasted Grosbeak 

Fun Facts About Roses

 This bird is unfortunately called the rose-breasted grosbeak due to its beautiful colorful appearance and its sweet melodious sound. The sight of these birds in their natural environment is good to see especially for bird watcher and anyone who loves nature. 

 A Stunning Appearance 

 This bird has a splendid looking; black, white and rose colored is the color pattern of the plumage of the rose-breasted grosbeak. Males show bright colors while females have more low contrast and thus the different colored appearances are good to look at. 

 Due to their attractive appearance they are often photographed and are an interest to bird lovers. It is possible that when people watch these birds, they get to develop even more appreciation for what is present in the natural world and its variety. 

 Melodic Songs That Delight

Female rose-breasted grosbeaks mostly similar to males but unlike males they lack the rose Pink patch and black on breast it has a sweet melody of clear whistles as its call. These songs have various functions for instance: mate attraction and territory defense. 

 Their music brings joy and helps people feel rather a sense of peace; listening to these songs infuses people with admiration for the nook. Bird watching and listening to birds helps in improving interaction with the environment and be more mindful. 

 Conservation Efforts 

 As is the case with many birds, rose-breasted grosbeaks’ existence is threatened by habitat destruction and climate change. The conservation of animals seeks to ensure that they have places to breed and feed and also in the process of observing and protecting them educate people about environmental issues that affect the wildlife. 

 It remains to note that supporting conservation activities can stimulate people to act in preserving natural environments for habitats and species. Through the protection of these birds, communities will also protect our environment to promote the well-being into the future and appreciate the marvels of nature. 


Fun Facts About Roses

 Starting from the historical use by the ancients to the current sentiment of people, roses cannot be considered apart from the historical cultural and elaborated beauty. This proves the versatility and the different sides of rose that are unknown to many people: how does rose smell, what it symbolizes in art and literature, and even in political revolutions. 

 Exploring the phenomenon of roses through various human emotions, benefits of roses to the environment and knowledge of great people like Rosa Parks and Rose Fortune, there is a whole universe of beauty and possibilities. The rose remains today an attractive symbol that opened the door for many ideas and different ways of thinking in the world around us.